The participation in the Network will give the participant organizations the following advantages:
— valuable umbrella support;
— assistance in fundraising, PR, “producer” support;
— tools and resource exchange (monthly newsletter and access to MIL and fact-checking tools for participants only);
— bringing together even competitive organizations to promote projects and other common goals.
— to be engaged in fact-checking activities or projects to increase media literacy of the audience as one of their main areas (to be a fact-checking project or have a fact-checking section on the website; produce content aimed at improving the level of media literacy in your country; deal with disinformation and/or information security issues);
— to be independent of the state structures of their country:
— for fact-checking organizations – transparency of the methodology and reliance on the use of open data are important;
— for organizations developing media literacy projects – to have at least one working or completed project in this area over the past two years.
Membership in the Network is subject to approval by EFMN Board. If you have a strong interest in becoming a part of EFMN, please complete the following form.
We are glad to announce about The First EFMN Conference — the first inception meeting of the prospective participants from over 20 countries — which will take place in Almaty, Kazakhstan in June 2020 organized by at MediaNet International Centre for Journalism. On the first day of the conference, the main aims and objectives and the EFMN Code of Regulations will be discussed and stated as well as working groups will be formed to work on joint projects or cross-border themes for fact-checking projects. On the second day, the participants will present their projects to donors and potential partners invited to the conference.
We have some budget for covering participants’ expenses, but the number is limited. However, we have an agreement with Soros Foundation/Open Society Foundations so they might provide some travel grants for this event.
The project is implemented by MediaNet International Centre for Journalism / supported by Open Society Foundations (OSF).
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